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Mostrando Ocurrencias para: big bagre

walah pronunciación

I. N

1. animal,fish big bagre , [ESP] Bagre (grande) , [KRI] bagri, kyatfish , [RCK] baagri, bukanshi
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Walah anmlingka, taimka tawan ki anpaayai. Tauli taara su sauk yuankiingakama anpaayai.
    The big bagre, when they kill it, sometimes they sell it in Bluefields. They sell it to fish with it in the ocean.
    Cuando matan un bagre grande lo venden, a veces, en Bluefields. Lo venden para irse a pescar al mar.
  • Walah nguringba kwiskama.
    The catfish is delicious/tasty to eat.


  • Etnográfica:
    Corn River and Wiring Cay are said to have large freshwater catfish. Some people eat catfish and some don't; not usually a preferred fish. If eaten, it is mostly fried, or dried and then later run down. The oil pops a lot while frying.

    Se dice que en Corn River y Wiring Cay hay pez gato de agua dulce grande. Algunos lo comen otros no. No es una comida favorita. Si se come, generalmente se come frito, o se pone a secar y luego se prepare en rondon. Mientras se frie, el aceite “popea.”
  • Gramatical:
    Has a variant 'walaha'
  • Léxica:
    Borrowing from Miskitu 'walaha'. Bagre is Spanish; it is also called 'big catfish'. Some say "big bagri," and some just say "bagri," which is the same as uula or walaha/walah because this is the big catfish. As of 2009, “bukanshi” is described by those familiar with the word as “an old Rama Cay word,” known mostly to those at least 50 years old, while younger people on Rama Cay say “baagri.”

    Préstamo del Miskitu 'walaha'. Bagre es en español, o pez gato. Algunos dicen bagre grande o solo bagre que es lo mismo que uula y walaha/walah que es el mismo pez gato grande. En el 2009, en el ingles-kriol de Rama Cay, la palabra “bukanshi” es conocida principalmente por la gente de mayor edad, mientras que los más jóvenes utilizan la palabra “baagri.”